Monday 14 January 2013

Money Power

Good morning everybody, I hope everybody enjoyed their weekend, and now getting back to their busy work week. Last night, I shared a video on my facebook page ( displaying the visuals for creating a sketch. I am sorry about the quality of the video as I am very much new to movie making, and not good at it. I am sure I will learn as time passes by :-)  I hope you all liked it.

 In my today's sketch, I am showing the importance of financial aspects in our lives. As we all say, money is important! I completely agree to that statement. To survive in today's world, and to feed our family we do need money, but the greed of acquiring it by running over other individuals is not ethical. Some people try to work hard to achieve their goals, and some people think of taking the shortcuts like gambling etc. I believe destiny and hard work go hand in hand, I never received anything by luck, and I had to work hard in my academic, and professional life. Everybody has different opinions, and I completely respect that. But in my view, hard work pays off, and it took me a few years to understand that patience play a vital role in that.

I believe we should never consider our relations on the basis of money, and never use any individual as our piggy bank. Someone I really admire always quotes: "It is easy to make money, but difficult to earn respect" and please always keep that in mind.

So, everybody work hard for your earnings, and use them with respect. If we respect food and money, they will respect us back :-)

Have a great day guys :-)
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