Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Beautiful weather

Good morning everyone, I hope all of you are doing great. I apologize for the long delay in updating my blog. I've been really busy with some work at my end.

The weather is changing and becoming more warm and nice. My today's sketch is about spending your beautiful days with your loved ones. I am sure many of you would like to enjoy the sun light falling on your body, after going through really cold winters in the past few months.

Have a great day guys :-)

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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Lead the game

Good morning everyone, I hope all of you are doing great. I've been really busy at my end and not been able to post any new updates. A quick sketch made by me, please check it out. I hope you guys like it :)

Like my today's sketch, play smart and stay focused.

Have a nice day guys :-)

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